Osteoarthritis symptoms, treatment, description

Joint disease arising from degenerative processes in the cartilage is called osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs accompanied by severe pain and reduce the progression of joint mobility.

Osteoarthritis of the small joints of the hands

When arthritis damage occurs and the bone tissue, so the disease is often called osteoarthritis. Late treatment can lead to disability. Osteoarthritis is chronic, begins quietly with a rare not severe pain in the affected joints. As development in those degenerative processes pain. Especially sharply felt in the movement.

The development of osteoarthritis

Arthrosis more common in the elderly because with age there is a decrease of activity and other violations of metabolic processes, develop endocrine disorders. The result is reduced development of specific components in the cartilage of the joints. Changes in the inter-articular cartilage, bone and soft tissue loses elasticity and ability to absorb.

Classification of osteoarthritis

There are several classifications of arthritis but the main indicators are the causation of occurrence and degree of joint disease. Depending on the causes distinguish primary and secondary osteoarthritis.

Primary osteoarthritis begins its destructive activity in the joints for no apparent reason, gradually affecting many joints. The exact causes of this type of osteoarthritis has so far not been identified. It is assumed that one of factors causing the disease is a genetic predisposition. Most often the primary form of osteoarthritis manifests itself in the defeat of the joints muslin that is defined in distinct nodular deformities of the phalanges. This form of arthritis is typical for people over the age of forty.

The secondary form of osteoarthritis affects the joints is not dependent on the age of the person. The causes can be persistent amplified stress on the joints, lose already diseased joint with additional injuries of various kinds. In addition causes of osteoarthritis secondary form may be a violation of the endocrine and metabolic processes, various necroses, inflammatory diseases, rheumatoid arthritis.

High loads, entailing the development of osteoarthritis observed in people suffering from obesity, runners, soccer players, dancers, etc. Secondary osteoarthritis affects one or more joints of the spine and/or extremities. The boundaries between primary and secondary osteoarthritis is very subtle. There are three degrees of progression of osteoarthritis, as defined by the severity of the pathological process. There is a fourth step, when there is severe deformity of the affected joint that may lead to his complete immobility and development disabilities.

Treatment of osteoarthritis

In addition there is a classification of arthrosis by location, shape and appearance of localization of the destructive process in the cartilage tissue. Symptoms of osteoarthritis are pain, sometimes the crunch in joints at movement, swelling, reaction to changing weather conditions. The pain appears not only in joints but also in the surrounding soft tissues.

Causes of deforming arthrosis

Deforming arthritis, aka osteoarthritis, the most common disease of the joints. When deforming arthrosis there is a change in metabolism and structure of articular cartilage. There is deformed, with changes in the bone tissue. Most often this disease affects the elbow, knee and hip joints. Causes of deforming arthrosis are the same as those of secondary osteoarthritis – overweight, overworked, injured. In addition this type of arthritis can occur on the background of varicose veins, weakness of the muscles and ligaments in the joint. Primary damage to the cartilage, together with the inflammatory process, are also the reasons of deforming arthrosis. The disease occurs with severe pain and reduced physical ability.

Osteoarthritis of the small joints of the hands

This kind of disease is most typical for women. Many people do not pay attention to light tingling and burning in the fingers, but in vain. These tingling are the first symptoms of osteoarthritis of the small joints of the hands. In consequence, the development of the disease, feelings fade, but there is a persistent complication in the form of education in the finger joints solid nodules and a distorted view of the phalanx. Often when osteoarthritis of the small joints of the hands, the phalanges are similar to the spindle. This complication is called reactive synovitis.

This type of arthritis is more typical for the primary forms of the disease.

Treatment of osteoarthritis

Treatment of osteoarthritis is multifaceted and protracted in nature. The main principles of treatment of the disease includes measures such as load limits, physiotherapy, medical pain relief and inflammation. Antibiotics for osteoarthritis is not normally used, except when it is necessary to remove inflammation caused by the infection of the body or joint. Antibiotics for osteoarthritis are used, for example, in cases of disease as a consequence of rheumatoid arthritis. Recently, in the treatment of osteoarthritis are widely used chondroprotector, allowing not only to suspend the process but also to regenerate joint tissue. In periods of sharp deterioration of the patient due to exacerbation of osteoarthritis use of hormonal drugs – intra-articular management.

Shockwave therapy for osteoarthritis

Inflammation of the joints

In modern medical practice today successfully applied the method of shock-wave therapy for osteoarthritis. The essence of the method is to use acoustic waves of low frequency directed to the affected area. There is a decrease in pain, a rush of blood to the source of the lesions and improvement of General health. Is improving metabolism, removing deposits of calcium, increasing the strength of tissues.

The procedure is painless and the improvements are defined immediately after the first session. But to use for osteoarthritis Shockwave therapy is necessary to remember that there are a number of contraindications to its use. This method is not recommended during pregnancy, fragility of blood vessels, haemophilia, oncological diseases, and presence of a pacemaker.

Exercises for the treatment of osteoarthritis

Indispensable in the treatment of osteoarthritis is the use of different kinds of exercises to prevent atrophy of muscles and loosening of ligaments. Exercises for the treatment of osteoarthritis are selected individually for each patient by the attending doctor and physiotherapist. The exercises begin only after removing the aggravation, but not later than 5-6 days after the pain. The objective of exercise for the treatment of osteoarthritis is the restoration of joint mobility, aerobic workout, improving the strength and flexibility of muscles and joints.

Arthritis a serious disease. To avoid strain joints must be thoroughly cares about them rationally eat, do dynamic exercises, to forget about bad habits and take vitamin and mineral supplements for joint support. Age limit excessive loads.