In this article we will tell you what osteochonodrosis is, why you need an orthopedic pillow, consider gymnastics and exercises, as well as seat cushions.
13 November 2023
Treatment of arthrosis with folk remedies includes the use of a wide variety of recipes. To be on the safe side of this treatment, you should consult your doctor.
21 February 2022
Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine using the latest highly effective techniques, using modern equipment and under the guidance of experienced specialists.
8 June 2021
Causes of back pain. What to do if your back hurts in the lumbar region? A symptom of what diseases can be pain in the lower back. See your doctor to start early treatment.
13 March 2021
Arthritis and arthrosis: main differences, difference in symptoms, risk factors for pathologies, pathomorphosis of names and methods of treatment.
14 August 2020
Knee arthritis symptoms is different, and they indicate the onset of trophic changes in the joint tissue.
4 March 2020